Monday, September 29, 2014

The Call

The family all knew where we would be going, but when the call came we decided to make a big production out of opening it and to let the grandchildren share the excitement.  We went to Brian's house in Springville, spread out the map of the world on the table and everyone pretended to guess where we were going by putting a penny on a spot on the map. Kristen was there and Kevin skyped in.


Surprise!!  It's Jordan!!

Preparing to Go

It took us almost all summer to fill out the paperwork and get everything ready to submit our application.  We were surprised that it took so long, but doctors and dentists appointments, forms, and everything else takes time.  First thing we did was have our picture taken.


April Interview in Salt Lake City at the Church Administration Building

For the past three years we've been Church Service missionaries, serving as specialists for the measles immunization initiative.   It's been a wonderful experience that we've enjoyed very much but the Church hasn't had an assignment for us for nearly a year.  We went to Salt Lake and asked some of our friends in the humanitarian department if there was anything else we could do.   it wasn't long after our visit before we received a phone call asking us if we would be interested in interviewing for a humanitarian mission in Jordan. Of course, we said yes.  We wrote up our "resume" and made an appointment for the interview with Elder Bruce Porter and Elder Bruce Carlson of the Quorum of the Seventy in the Church Administration Building.

The interview went well and we went back down to the underground parking lot where we saw Elder Holland  and then President Monson pass by.  How cool is that?

Then we waited.....and waited.  We knew there were several other couples being interviewed for the same calling, and after nearly three months we figured that we hadn't got the job.  But to our surprise the phone call came and we were called to come back to Salt Lake for another meeting with Elders Porter and Carlson.  They offered us the calling and we accepted.