Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Horn is Essential in Jordan

Yesterday we went to Madaba and on the way we noticed that the horn on our vehicle wasn't working.  Normally, we probably wouldn't have even given it a thought, but in Jordan a horn is essential for your safety.  Everyone honks all the time.  People honk for everything and nobody gets angry about it. It's the Jordan public safety at work.  If you don't honk, how would the other drivers know you are there--especially if they're talking on their cell phones or visiting with family members in the back seat?  It's a crazy system, but it works.

The "tender mercy" of the day was that we happened to be near the Kia Service Center when the horn went out and we happened to have extra time to stop by and get it fixed.  If the horn had gone out in Hussen we would have had a long dangerous time getting back to Amman to get it fixed, and it would have taken us a whole day to do, which we don't have right now.

Often the Lord helps us do big things, but most of the time He helps us with small things--and that reminds us of how much he loves us and is aware of us.  We know he feels the same way about all His children.

I hope we remember that you NEVER honk at other drivers back home.

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