Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Move the slit lamps!!!

LDS Charities had a vision project last year in Jordan.  The project was to test people at random, find out which ones had diabetes and then test their eyes for early signs of blindness caused by the disease.  Two eye-testing machines (slit lamps) were purchased and used for the project.  After the testing was completed, the slit lamps were left to gather dust.  We inherited the project at this point.
Our thought was to donate the unused equipment to the Ministry of Health for use in the vision department of the Al Basheer Hospital in Amman.
We started to discuss the donation with Dr. Ali, head of opthamology almost a year ago.  "Go ahead and have your people move them" we told him.  He said he would get it done after Ramadan in July. 
When July came and the slit lamps were still sitting unused, we visited Dr. Ali again.  He promised us he would get it done.  Time went by, letters of donation were written and serial numbers recorded.  Still nothing happened--until last week.

Lynn talking with Dr. Ali 
 "You told us you would have the slit lamps moved by the end of Ramadan last year.
What can we do to help make this happen?"
Dr. Ali's equipment manager stopped by the office, made a couple of phone calls .. .and it was done!
This is what a slit lamp looks like.  
The Al Basheer hospital now has two new slit lamps, which they desperately needed.
And we still have our sanity.

"Be humble...gentle...full of patience and long suffering."  Alma 7:23

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