Monday, May 11, 2015

Lot's Cave

In Genesis chapter 19 it says that Lot was sent out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it was destroyed. . . . "he said, escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain lest thou be consumed" (Follow the Lord and don't look back on your old life).

"Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground."

"But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."

"And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him for he feared to dwell in Zoar; and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters."

Lot's cave is also mentioned in the Koran.

The cave is located on a mountain overlooking south end of the dead sea.  It's a steep hike up to the cave, so we took this picture from the bottom and called it good.  No pillar of salt anywhere in sight.  It must have melted long ago.

 If we had made the hike, this is what we would have seen:

The ruins of an ancient church built around the cave.  

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